
Borrow security room "naturally", why could love

A few days ago, a guarantee of Qingdao room developers could be 19000 yuan of solar energy water heater and house binds a sale, if buyers do not buy solar words, the house is not successful do delivery. Developers say the problem had already told the owner. Qingdao JianGuanJu says both sides shall be settled through friendly negotiation, if the problem ultimately could not solve, that both sides can only go legal approach. Carefully taste, cannot but said, developers are playing count your chickens before they hatch, security room make less, the cash in the water heater. Otherwise, will not use "don't buy solar NHL Jerseys energy, will not make a room" to coerce the owner, even desperate also doesn't matter. Exactly, "security room bound water heater" is "covert force prices up", once developers may be realized either good or bad, it means that the owner paid more, obviously, is to let owner. The thought of as developers. The competent department JianGuanJu to correct this serious "security room binds a sale" behavior, ironically, JianGuanJu contended, both the sticking point of making a room for contract performance problems, also said "should be the owner and developers to coordinate and solve, and if it doesn't solve, that both sides can go through the law". JianGuanJu seemingly how of knowing, but essentially what all not, but to the personnel's not himself, and the high feeling of hang up. To tell you the truth, this is not not to JianGuanJu tube, also not care, it is just don't want to tube. And in this form may also benefit league behind, and how to manage? A step back, even if tube may also is one, or go ZouGuoChang just. The security of the room negative reports would have "is numberless as the sand", now change again had a pattern by, and called to HeKan. Can only say that the more knowledge of "dirty" developers faces, that all the regulatory weakness, and incredible. But it's clear to everybody that the security of government morale project room, if at any time by "naturally", this guarantee is not guaranteed of, the boards frequently, but also how to really "security" going on? To cap it all, "the government how to properly handle the security room construction of all kinds of sweet things, relates directly to security in the room of the social benefit", no such "security" going on. Otherwise, on the one hand, to ensure room system is blasphemy, on the one soccer jerseys hand, also cannot account to the public, the more harm had hurt not the credibility of the shallow, ultimately difficult to repair, the effect and harm is immeasurable.

