
Nuclear shadow of dry vulnerable Japanese

Japan 3.11 earthquake that triggered the nuclear disaster is from dong ying spread to world, almost all the world test nuclear radiation. Worse, Japan's first nuclear power plant is more dangerous, especially the second unit, a crack in the nuclear waste water pollution is out to 77 metric tons per hour traffic flows into the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese government pulled out all the stops, concrete, special glue and even plastic film cannot block the 20 centimeters of crack. Ocean have are found to be contaminated fish, people worry Marine biological variation, the more afraid nuclear pollution as ocean currents affect the world faster. Embarrassed, the nuclear crisis in th is out of control, the Japanese government helpless, can only be issued to the world "have no choice" (chief cabinet secretary, especially male branch wild language) of the helpless. All the signs are that, day nuclear disaster let "strong" Japan became extremely weak, highlights the Japanese government to deal with crises ability is insufficient. When the earthquake happened, almost all global media for the Japanese the perfect setting and order consciousness with admiration. March 15,, the South Korea "Korea daily quoted the American media praised Japan's" this is human spirit the progress of civilization ", the Japanese people in the disaster of the national quality self-denial duty loud gasp in admiration. Meanwhile, the paper also reported to the disaster on NHK discipline and humanitarian and admiration. The Chinese media and Internet users about the reaction of such, besides a few Internet users, most Chinese press and public, not only to express sympathy for full, but also for the performance of the Japanese media, praise and even some feel small, especially in some Chinese provinces DianYan snapping up after the event happened, Chinese media appeared collectivism self-criticism and self-examination. In Asian neighbors view, the Japanese government's ability to deal with the disaster, the high quality of Japanese citizens. There is no denying the fact that the quality of the Japanese citizens really high. Their trial spirit and restraint self-discipline let a person admirable, but this is also due to their culture. In Ruth. Benedict's "chrysanthemum and knife in his book, the author described this way:" the Japanese very mind what others think of us." More important, the Japanese public special believe of their government, sometimes even some to follow, and the special national character of the self-discipline, just reflects the Japanese government to extremely. 

