
Chinese d stability into the critical point?

The Chinese firm some money situation d: according to finance the budget, in 2011 China public security spending YuSuanShu for 624.421 billion yuan, slightly higher than the defense expenditure budget of 601.156 billion yuan. The media pointed out that this is the first time China public security budget NFL hats more than defense. Although reports tell us, belong to the public safety in the category of maintaining social stability, is a regime of duty ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign, almost mo can avoid. In addition to the United States, France beyond, most of the state public security spending by more than military spending. Xinhua net the article says, according to the international monetary fund in 2009 "government expenditure statistical yearbook, Germany, England, Japan, Australia and Russia's public security spending 114% of its military, respectively, 105%, 157%, 103%, 109%. But, familiar with China's national conditions "people know, Chinese d stability has its own features: one is in a lot of problems, because the local government economic development first, whether in environmental protection or land expropriation, the and so on, some local government is itself for interested parties, hard" devotions ", cause d steady expensive and not "stable" situation has deteriorated and complicated situation. According to the 2010 China academy of Chinese: according to not complete count, in 1993 China happen group incidents since 08700, 2005 years up to 87000 on, 2006 more than 90000 fires, the 2008 group incidents's number and intensity is more than ever. 2 it is due to a series of system and mechanism, the reasons of public security, procuratorates, courts where all the local party and government are placed in the LuanYi under, lack of independence and neutrality, that lack of social contradictions in situ, out in time mechanism, cause problems is piling up, hand in more and more, maintain social stability of the natural cost more and more is also high. Three is a lot of market, countries under the rule of the public expenditure funds though and also higher than that of defense spending, but their spending accounts for the proportion of fiscal expenditure little and of the financial expenditure is used for real education, medical treatment, unemployed, retirement to people of individual Discount sunglasses directly carry out social security and people's spending, and we only defense and d steady funds two, they accounted for 13.66% of annual revenue (2011 national revenue plan for 8.972 trillion yuan), and the dimensions of the firm spending here or narrow diameter, and can't completely cover, directly or indirectly, for the cost of maintaining social stability. Such as public security department of the involved spending other content--to ministry of public security, for example, including diplomacy, education, science and technology, social security and employment, housing security spending, etc.; Legal committee at all levels, national and local complaint department to bear part d stability also burden, but its budget currently listed in general public service categories, no details; Local special funds and special fund, may be included in the company, carries department budget, also may on legal committee, the propaganda department, letters, and other government departments items, also may contain into some of the people's livelihood of engineering. 

