
Wang Lao Ji isn't suitable for a falsely cold of appetite can to sufferer's condition aggravate

The food dispatch has the summer to report to call adding in the cool tea of Wang Lao Ji withered grass recently according to The Xinhua news agency May 14 electricity in Peking etc. Chinese herbal medicine composition and raw material not at allow to add of row.The health department now makes elucidation on the 14th and points out that the cool tea of Wang Lao Ji is the product that keeps on record and sells by law.In 2005, health hall in Guangdong province addresses a letter to a health department, notification the traditional beverage of Wang Lao Ji has already had more than 100 years of history up to now, the health hall notification in Guangdong province has already organized at the same time the expert eats a safety to carry on valuation to the cool tea of Wang Lao Ji and puts forward according to the rules of 《forbid food's adding medicine hygiene management way 》 ,womens sunglasses application keep on record the cool tea of Wang Lao Ji.Health hall in Guangdong province organization of expert valuation opinion point out, the raw materials, such as pagoda tree and summer withered grass...etc. in the cool tea of Wang Lao Ji goes together with to anticipate for traditional cool tea creation, according to the poison reason that the product formula amount of develops learn safety evaluation and human body to try food to experiment to prove a product edible safety.The health department immediately organizes an expert to carry on a research, the expert agrees a health hall in Guangdong province's reviewing opinion for Wang Lao Ji cool tea.On these grounds, health department the batch reply to agree that health hall in Guangdong province keeps on record "the cool tea of Wang Lao Ji" according to 《forbid food's adding medicine hygiene management way 》 rules on April 25, 2005.There is expert that point out,cheap sun glasses as a beverage, "the afraid last fire drinks Wang Lao Ji" has certain truth, but at the same time the crowd of appetite falsely cold type's combining isn't suitable for to drink Wang Lao Ji, even may cause some sufferers condition's aggravating.Business enterprise while promising the beverage production quality safety, as to it's should the possible existent harm take into to remind on the packing.

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